
Showing posts from July, 2018

How to be a responsible netizen?

In today's modern time, having online connectivity has become the most important component of our everyday lives. But, do you really consider yourself as a responsible netizen or a responsible user of the internet? Do you know how do you behave behind your mobile phones or other gadgets. Well in today's modern times, It is much easier to harass or to throw some very unpleasant words on a person online since it doesn't involve a face to face interaction. Virtual world may be about having fun but you shouldn't forget your manners when you're on social media. Online predators and cyber-criminals, however are just constantly lurking on social networking sites. All of us knew how the internet spread worldwide.We knew some words and communication became much more easier. But how sure are we if the information that was given by internet is TRUE? How are we gonna deal with some situations like this. Let us all be SMART enough to know how to be a responsible netiz